Tuesday 15 September 2015

Canada Introduces New Visa Requirement

Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is moving to implement a new Electronic Travel Authorisation (eTA) requirement for foreign visitors this year, including international students.
Modelled on similar programmes in the US and Australia, the eTA applies to all visiting students from visa-exempt countries whether travelling on a tourist or student visa. US citizens are among those exempt from the eTA requirements, as are diplomatic officials and travellers in transit to the United States.
According to CIC, “The number of visa-exempt foreign nationals travelling to Canada on a temporary basis per year is significantly larger than the number of visa-required travellers. For example, visa-exempt foreign nationals, excluding US citizens, represent approximately 74% of foreign nationals who arrive by air in Canada.”

Apply online

Visitors to Canada are now encouraged to apply for an eTA at the earliest opportunity, even before booking travel arrangements. As of 1 August 2015, applications can be made online. CIC has indicated that many authorisations are granted within minutes of application but that their intention otherwise is to process files within 72 hours. Each application costs CDN$7 (US$5) and once issued an eTA is electronically linked to the applicant’s passport and valid for a period of five years.

The introduction of pre-screening

The purpose of the eTA is to pre-screen visitors before they arrive at a Canadian airport. A statement from CIC notes that travellers are asked to provide “basic personal information similar to what is currently collected when they arrive in Canada. The only difference now is that Canada will know the answers to these questions before their arrival. The answers to a few simple questions given in the eTA application will be used to pre-screen travellers to ensure that they are not inadmissible to Canada.”
Put another way, the goal of the programme is to facilitate travel for low-risk visitors and, at the same time, to remove any uncertainty about a visitor’s admissibility. Up until the introduction of the eTA, visa-exempt foreign visitors have not been screened for admissibility until they arrive at a port of entry in Canada and this lack of pre-screening leaves room for the possibility that a visitor could be denied permission to enter the country on arrival.
CIC reports, “In 2012/13, the total number of visa-exempt foreign nationals who arrived in Canada and were deemed inadmissible for entry at air ports of entry was 7,055. This resulted in significant expense, delay and inconvenience for these foreign nationals, other travellers, the airlines and the Canadian government. Reasons for refusal can include membership in terrorist organisations, espionage, participation in war crimes or crimes against humanity, international human rights violations, membership in organised crime groups, criminality, or issues endangering public health, such as tuberculosis.”

Timing is everything

The new eTA requirements come fully into force on 15 March 2016. Anyone arriving in Canada after that date, from a visa-exempt country, must have an eTA. Those that don’t can be refused entry to Canada, or may be prevented from boarding their flight to Canada from abroad.
There is another important timing consideration for students entering Canada this summer and fall for longer-term studies under a Canadian study permit. A further statement from CIC notes that, “International students from visa-exempt countries who get their study permit on or after 1 August 2015, will automatically be issued an eTA, along with their permit. However, study permit holders who received their permit on or before 31 July 2015, will need to get an eTA if they plan to leave Canada and return by air, starting 15 March 2016.
This opens the door to a scenario that officials and educators are keen to avoid: students who received a study permit before the end of July arriving in Canada for their studies, and then exiting the country and attempting to return after 15 March 2016 without an eTA. Any such students engaged in a longer-term study in Canada (and with a study permit issued before 1 August 2015) must now take care to apply for an eTA before making plans to exit and re-enter Canada after mid-March 2016.

The backdrop

News of eTA arrives on the heels of another important new policy change for Canada this year: the introduction of the Express Entry programme and its new processes and requirements for international students hoping to immigrate to Canada after their studies.
Questions remain as to the long-term impacts of the new Express Entry system, particularly in terms of how it affects the immigration prospects of foreign graduates. They are accompanied as well by recent news reports suggesting Citizenship and Immigration Canada is already struggling to keep up with increased demand from international students.
Internal CIC reports obtained by the Globe and Mail newspaper indicate that processing times for Canadian study permits have increased by 30% of late while processing times for temporary resident visas have doubled. This has led to “waiting times for visas that are weeks longer than those in Britain or the United States” and that have reduced Canada’s international competitiveness, reports the Globe.
Lisa Brunner, an international student advisor at the University of British Columbia, wrote recently on the CBIE blog about processing times for post-graduation work permits, noting, “When the possibility of permanent immigration is explicitly used as a recruitment strategy by [the Canadian government], it shocks [students] to learn just how long processing times…can actually be.”
As these commentaries suggest, it is not only the letter of official policy but also the real experience of students and the overall performance of CIC’s International Student Programmethat will ultimately determine Canada’s position in international markets. The eTA is now the latest addition to this complex arithmetic of competitiveness, and its implementation will no doubt be closely observed by stakeholders in Canada and around the world.

Tuesday 1 September 2015

Friday 19 June 2015

WASAF 2015

WASAF 2015
What is WASAF?
WASAF is an acronym for Work and Study Abroad Fair. It is a study abroad presentation into about 35 study destinations. WASAF was borne out of the many questions and inquiries from our prospective clients on study and work abroad issues. Many people want to study abroad, but they do not know how (the right agent to approach as some have fallen victim to fraudstersion the guise of being reputable agents) Where (the countries to study) and work abroad.

study abroad.jpegAs a result of these inquiries, we decided to come up with WASAF so as to answer their questions in a more interactive forum.
Although we have been organizing seminar for a long time, WASAF is a different approach to unraveling study and work abroad issues.

Every year, thousands of Nigerians go abroad to study and work ahead. But sadly, many Nigerians are still ignorant about these opportunities inherent in studying abroad apart from earning foreign certificates.  Those who are willing to study abroad do not know where to go for such advice and make their study abroad dream/ambition a reality.
study abroad 6.jpegTo those who have finished schooling, they are planning to seek a greener pasture abroad because of the harsh economic problem and unemployment they are exposed to in their home country like Nigeria so going abroad to work looks price or an attractive offer.
·         Many of our clients have often asked: ‘Can I work and study Abroad?’ This is one of the reasons that led to organizing WASAF apart from providing scholarship opportunities to study abroad.
world; globe.jpgWhat would WASAF Entail?
·         Study abroad presentation
·         Study abroad in over 40 countries (destinations)      
·         Study abroad opportunities
·         Scholarship opportunities
·         Exhibition
·         Counseling
·         Work Abroad
·         How to apply for study and work visa

Countries in Focus during WASAF
·         UK
·         USA
·         Canada
·         Australia
·         New; Zealand
·         France
·         Poland
·         Cyprus
·         Malaysia
·         Georgia (Europe)
·         Dublin
·         Turkey
·         India
·         Belarus
·         Vietnam
·         Sweden
·         Germany
·         Finland
·         Denmark
·         Norway
·         China
·         Netherland
·         Spain
·         Switzerland
·         Dubai (UAE)
·         Singapore, etc

WASAF hopes to answer all these questions with our study abroad expertise
·         Where to study?
·         What to Study?
·         Tuition Cost?
·         Documents needed?
·         Scholarship opportunities available
·         Can I work and study abroad?
Besides, the presentation will also include:
·         Study Abroad presentation
·         On the spot assessment
·         Question and Answer
·         Study Abroad Exhibition
·         Work Abroad Opportunities
·         Career Counseling
Why You Should Attend WASAF
nigerian; students.pngWASAF will present you with innumerable opportunities to study and work abroad. It would present you will rare opportunities that you will hardly find outside and it could be the golden and only opportunity that you have been waiting for to fulfill your dream. 
Below are some of the benefits of participating in this seminar:
·         Free counseling to study and work abroad in over 40 destinations
·         Free counseling on your career choice to work in countries like: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Europe and Dubai
·         study abroad.jpegFree visa advice from immigration experts
·         On the spot assessment for study and work abroad
·         Wide range of opportunities to study and work abroad
·         Wide range of opportunities to choose from over 40 countries
·         Scholarship opportunities into Canadian, US, UK, European, Malaysian, Ukrainian and Turkish universities
·         100% scholarship opportunities in Malaysia, Turkey, USA and Canada & France
·         Documents required to study/work abroad
·         Networking opportunities, etc
·         Countries offering free study opportunities and their websites
Marketing /Promotion Strategy
·         Social Media (Face book, Blog, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype, etc)
·         Website
·         SMS
·         Flyers, handbills, sticker, Branded T-shirt
·         Newspaper advert
·         Radio/TV
·         Newspaper advert
Sustaining WASAF
WASAF would be a periodic event of Gemsland Study Abroad & Tours (GSAT). The maiden edition of WASAF December 19th 2013 in Lagos.

Date: Saturday 12th April, 2014

Venue: Gemsland Study Abroad & Tours (GSAT)
Plot 331, Adeyemo Akapo Street, Omole Estate
Phase 1, Omole Bus Stop,
Ojodu- Isheri Road,                                                                
Omole, Ikeja

Time: 11am- 1pm

Registration: Prospective participants are encouraged to pre-register for the presentation by filling an on-line registration form which can be downloaded from the website or blog or sent to interested participants. Only duly registered will be contacted and will be made provision for.

This includes the study abroad kits and access to the study abroad presentation, exhibition and free consultation and visa advice.
Registration Deadline: Saturday July 4th, 2015
Tel: 08068376778, 8050232580

Don’t miss it!

Thursday 23 April 2015

All You Need to Know About Studying in Germany 2

9. Are there deadlines for direct enrollment?

The entrance application must be submitted by January 15 each year for the summer semester (beginning on April 1) and by July 15 for the winter semester (beginning on October 1). Students from outside Germany now have the opportunity to apply to several universities with only one set of documents through the Application Services for International Students (assist). assist will check that all necessary documents have been included and that they meet the necessary formal requirements, and will then forward them on to the respective universities.

10. Who does the assessment and recognition of foreign earned degrees in Germany?

As a general rule, the assessment of degrees and academic credits for admission purposes is the responsibility of universities. In assessing foreign higher education qualifications and degrees, the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) of the Conference of German Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) assists with provision of recommendations that are country-specific.
Pursuant to ‘The Assessment and Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications Act of 2012,’ the certification authorities of the federal state of residence (or the state in which he/she intends to reside) of the applicant are responsible for the recognition of foreign higher education and degrees earned for the purpose of enrolling on an advanced study program.

11. What tuition fees do higher education institutions charge in Germany?

Even in the last few years tuition fees were pretty much a non-issue in German higher education since they were ridiculously low compared to other developed countries. Also only two out of the 16 federal states (Bavaria and Lower Saxony) used to allow their higher education institutions to charge tuition fees – and when they did, they charged up to €500 per semester. As of October 2014, Germany decided to waive tuition fees in all of the provinces making higher education literally free of charge.
Postgraduate courses (Master’s and Ph.D.) however, are liable for some extra costs, varying between €650 and a few thousand Euros per semester; it is advised that prospective foreign postgraduate students do their due diligence.

12. Do I need a lot of money to finance my stay in Germany?

The fact that there are no tuition fees mustn’t lead you jump to the conclusion that studying in Germany will be cheap. Yes, there are creative and commonsensical ways to significantly reduce your overall cost of life there, but first and foremost you need to realistically assess the resources at your disposal – take good stock of yourself financially. Don’t delude yourself thinking that working part time while studying in Germany, will take care of all your financial worries, as that’s highly unlikely to be the case – your student visa and residence permit entitle you to 120 full (or 240 half) days of work only. A scholarship and/or support by a sponsor (parent, relative, etc) may be necessary, in which case the sponsor has to explicitly state their intention of supporting you.

13. What are good places, other than universities, to apply for a scholarship if I want to study in Germany?

Apart from offering scholarship programs they also give advice on almost everything related to studying in Germany.
You can find more information here!

14. Will I be allowed to work while studying in Germany?

A foreign (not a citizen of an EU or EEA member country – with the exception of Bulgaria and Romania which face restrictions until 2014) student studying full-time in Germany is legally allowed to work a maximum of 120 full (or 240 half) days within a year, without having to obtain a permission from German employment authorities.
The legally allowed number of working days (half days) for foreign students also includes voluntary work placements, regardless of whether the placement is paid or unpaid. Also, foreign students face an additional restriction: while working the legally allowed number of days (or half days), they cannot be self-employed or work on a freelance basis. You can find more information here!

All You Need About Studying in Germany 1

1. Why choose Germany to study in as a foreign student?

Well, for starters, you’ll get first-class education (German universities are among the highest ranking in the world – right below a few of the American Ivy League and prestigious British universities) and a formal degree to show for it, that is recognized all over the world.
On top of that, the guiding principle of the German higher education being ‘The Unity of Teaching and Research’ (also the cornerstone of what is referred to as the ‘dual education system’), there is strong emphasis on ‘apprenticeship’ and hands-on involvement on the part of the student, in both the practical application of a large part of what gets learned theoretically and in researching novel ways of problem-solving (at many universities and ‘Fachhochschulen’ access to cutting-edge research facilities is available).
Finally, Germany is an important country and culture, so every international student stands to benefit greatly from familiarity with it (to say nothing of the ton of fun they are certain to have in the process).

2. What exactly is ‘Studienkolleg’?

It is a one-year preparatory course which has to be joined by individual candidates who wish to study at a German higher education institution but whose school leaving diploma is deemed insufficient to apply for a degree program.
The course covers full-time education in the subjects of a degree program as well as the German language, for five days a week. A passing score on the final Assessment Examination qualifies you to apply for a degree program that is suitable for you at any German university.

3. Can I study in Germany in English language?

Yes. There’s plenty of International Degree Courses taught in English (in the first semesters, at any rate) for students whose command of the German language isn’t sufficiently good to warrant their studying be done entirely in German. Both before and during the program there are German language courses offered. A large number of postgraduate courses (Master’s and Ph.D.) are designed and taught entirely in English.
Go to https://www.daad.de/deutschland/studienangebote/international-programs/de/ and select “English” from the field “Course Language” to find all programs in English!

4. What exactly are the International Degree Courses?

International Degree Courses have been introduced by institutions of higher education in Germany with the express aim of facilitating the process whereby international student applicants realize their educational objectives in Germany. The medium of instruction is primarily English, with gradually increasing usage of German.
These courses, which have been designed to high academic standards and are available to not only international but German students as well, cover both undergraduate (6 to 8 semesters resulting with a Bachelors degree) and postgraduate (3 to 5 semesters resulting with a Masters degree – in some courses, 6 additional semesters lead to a Ph.D.) studies.

5. Is it mandatory for international students to have passed TOEFL or IELTS in order to enroll on a study program that is taught entirely in English?

Yes, as a general rule, you need TOEFL or IELTS in order to apply for a program that is entirely taught in English at a German university. If, however, you’re applying for a postgraduate program and already hold a Bachelors degree with English as the language of instruction, you do not need TOEFL or IELTS; it goes without saying: no need for TOEFL or IELTS if you’re a native speaker of English.

6. What are the “Fachhochschulen,” and in what way are they different from a University?

Let’s first mention what they have in common: they both lead to Bachelors and Masters degrees (or their equivalents in Germany). However, ‘Fachhochschulen’ do not award Ph.D. titles; in order to earn a Ph.D. a postgraduate course at a university has to be attended.
Universities of Applied Sciences (a.k.a. ‘Fachhochschulen’) are so conceived as to maximize the practical utilization of theoretical knowledge; they are suitable for candidates who have no intention of pursuing academic careers, but are rather interested in the acquisition of as much practical experience as possible. Hence, the vast majority of degree programs taught in them are in the fields of engineering and hard sciences; programs in business administration get taught at ‘Fachhochschulen’ too, but to a lesser extent, whereas courses in humanities and social sciences are rarely offered.

7. Is there free access to computer facilities and libraries at German universities?

As a general rule, all higher education institutions in Germany provide Internet access and set up email accounts for their students. In addition to that, they have libraries and archives that are very well stocked and that supply many of the titles that are mandatory reading for students so they don’t have to buy a lot of the reading material for their study courses.

8. Are there any age limits to apply for postgraduate study programs (Masters and Ph.D.) in Germany?

No, there are no limitations set on age.

Friday 10 April 2015

Study Cheap in Georgia

Do you know that you can study Medicine, Business Admin and other courses at cheaper rate in Georgia?
In case you don't know, see these attachments

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Tourism Scholarship in Turkey

Good news to everyone planning to study in Turkey. You can study in Turkey with 100% scholarship for Tourism and Hospitality courses in Atalya College of Tourism, Turkey.
All you need do is to write an aptititude test in Maths & English and the scholarship is yours.
Eligibility: 5 Credit Passes in WASSCE or NECO
Age: Not more than 26 years
For more info contact: Gemsland Study Abroad & Tours- Plot 24B Gbemisola House, Omole Bus Stop, Omole, Ikeja, Gemsland Study Abroad & Tours - GSAT, Lagos, Nigeria
Tel: +2348068376778,8050232580 E-mail: gemslandstudyabroad@gmail.com

Making the Most of Time

  Time is one of the greatest resources given to man. Our existence here on earth is regulated by time. No wonder the psalmist said, “So t...