Wednesday 28 February 2024

Visit Egypt

Egypt is one of the most attractive destinations in the world because of its pyramid and the mummies. No one visits Egypt without going to see the pyramid. 

Egypt is one of the hottest and sunniest countries in the world with the exception of a strip along the Mediterranean cost, Egypt has a desert climate.

Egypt links northeast Africa with the middle east dating back to the time of Pharaoh.

Millennia-old monuments sits along the fertile Nile River Valley, including Giza’s colossal pyramids and Great Sphinx as well as Luxor’s hieroglyph-lined Kmak Temple and Valley of the kings/ tombs.  The capital Cairo is home to Ottoman landmarks like Muhammed Ali Mosque and the Egyptians museum, a trove of antiquities.

           Here are 15 facts about Egypt that you might not have heard of

1.      Egypt is the third-largest populated country in Africa                 

2.      Egypt is a transcontinental country. The Sinai Peninsula is a land bridge between the Northeast of Africa and the southwest of Asia.

3.      Egypt is home to the longest river in Africa                           

4.      The statue of Liberty was originally intended for the Suez capital

When French sculptor Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi first had the idea to build a statue of a peasant woman, dressed in robes and holding up a massive torch, he originally wanted it to stand at the entrance of Suez Canal with the name “Egypt bringing light to Asia”. Nothing came of the project, but Bartholdi persevered with his idea, and was eventually commissioned to build the statue in New York Harbors. “Liberty enlightening the world” was unveiled in 1876, seven years after the suez canal was finished.

5.      Caira is the third-largest city in Africa. Love the buzz of a big city? You’ll love Cairo, Egypt’s capital. It’s home to 10 million people, making it the highest populated city in Africa bar two. Kinshasa (DR Congo) and Lagos [Nigeria] both have populations of more than 15 million.

6.      The last ancient wonder of the world is in Cario: The great pyramid of Khufu is the biggest of the pyramid of Giza and is the last ancient wonder of the world left standing.

The remaining 6 wonders of the ancient world have all been destroyed over the last centuries.

They are [or were]: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon [Iraq], The Temple of Artemis [Turkey], The Statue of Zeus (Greece), The Mausoleum of Halicamassus (Turkey), Colossus of Rhodes (Greece) and the Lighthouse of Alexandria [Egypt].

7.      The largest food court in the world is in Cario: Oasis, Cairo’s behemoth of a food court restaurant taking up to 41,000 square meters and seating more than 4,000 diners at a time.

8.      Alexandria is named after Alexander the Great.

9.      The world’s largest embarkment dam is in Egypt.

10.   Egypt is home to seven UNESCO sites.

11.   The Pyramids of Giza were once bright white.

12.   The Pyramids weren’t built by slaves.

13.   Ancient Egyptians believed that makeups had healing powers.

14.   Ancient Egyptians invented the 12-month calendar.

15.   Egypt borders two seas.

   The country boasts of over 1,800 miles of coastlines divided between the red sea to the east and the Mediterranean Sea to the north.

Now that you know the amazing facts about Egypt, here are places to visits in Egypt:

1.      Ras Mohammed National Park

2.      Temple of Kamak

3.      The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities

4.      The Pyramid of Giza

5.      Valleys of the Kings

6.      Abu Simbel Temple Complex

7.      Luxor Temple

8.      Great Pyramid of Cheops [Khufu]

9.      Tiran Island

10.   Great Sphinx

11.   Temple of Philae

12.   SOHO Square

We can help you package your tour of Egypt. Contact us today: Gemsland Study Abroad & Tours

Tel: +2349091177137



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