Saturday 14 September 2024

Making the Most of Time


Time is one of the greatest resources given to man. Our existence here on earth is regulated by time. No wonder the psalmist said, “So teach us to number days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.” (Ps 90:12)

Time is also one of the most valuable resources that we have. Your success or failure is determined by how well you maximize your time. What you do with your time is what you will get. If you use your time for a profitable venture, it will yield interest in quantifiable terms. If on the other way you invest your time in unprofitable venture, you will also get the reward. You can’t cheat time. You will be the greatest fool ever if you think you can fritter your time and then get profitable result. The Bible says, “God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth, so shall he reap.” (Gal 6:7),

And do you know what amazes me about “time”.  God has given the same amount of time to everybody whether you are rich or poor; wise or foolish; prudent or wasteful, literate or illiterate; we are all given the same amount of time. God did that for a purpose. When you are called to reckoning on the last day to give account of your starship, God will not take an excuse like, “I would have been a successful businessman like Dangote or Otedola but I only have sixteen hours.” it is the same excuses people are still giving today. “There is no time”. But the question is what have these people been doing with their time? Virtually nothing. We all know that we can’t hold time down just because we have something to do. Time itself is busy. Doing what? Ticking! When you look at the clock, it is doing its work except the battery is not good. Time doesn’t give nay excuse for not ticking. That is its job, it has to tick and we are all reminded that you have to get things done because there is not time for indolence or idleness.

I have discovered that those who are killing time can’t be successful. I have also noticed that most men that have been greatly used by God are very very equitable in the use of this resource called “time.” One man of God that I like most is Pastor W.F Kumuyi. I have come to understand that that Is set for every programme and everything has been preplanned.

One day God will ask us how we use our time. It doesn’t really matter whether you have used it well or not. Since we are all aware of this, here comes the important question: “how do we maximize our time?”

1.       For study and personal development: You can use your time for study and personal development. The personal development could be taken courses online on:,, There are many free online courses you can do to develop yourself. There are paid courses too. Taking these courses might just be for your personal development and not necessarily to get jobs. Part of your self-development is reading books, novels, attending seminars, lectures, workshop, training, skill acquisition, etc. Just do anything you can to become a better YOU.

2.       For devotion: Another use of time is for devotion. It is not good to spend the whole day without having time for God. There should be a time of solitude. A time for meditation and retrospect. Philosophers and deep thinkers get their wisdom and ideologies by taking time off for meditation.

3.       Work: We spend the greater part of life working and we have to start this early if we want to be successful. Those who are rich today started work and their career early. If you want to do anything in life and you want to be successful, you have to start early.

4.       Plan: The result of time would be far-reaching if it is well-planned. If you did not plan your time way, you are not likely to achieve anything in life.

5.       For profitable venture: “In all  labours there is profit, but the talk of the lips only tended to penury.” For people, who don’t have a regulated life, engaging in unprofitable activities like: talkative, aimless visitation, loitering and gossiping is a pastime. These have become their habit and second mature and they can hardly break loose from them. No wonder they are enemies of time.


Develop your talents and skills: Some people have some latent talents like: singing, playing musical instruments, writing, creativity and so on but they have not really apid attention to what they have because of disorganized lifestyle or giving excuse that there is no time. If you want to maximize your talent and realize your God-given potentials, you need to pay attention and devote time to develop your talents. I mean what is essence of living when you are not living for what you are created? If you discovered that you have talents in arts and painting, you can denote your weekend to home that talent instead of just leaving it latent.

7.       For God and humanity: We are created to serve God here on earth and we should use our time and talents to serve God to the fullest capacity. I am doing a volunteer work at the moment in Europe. This week, I saw an aged woman about ninety years coming for volunteer work without pay. I saw another old man of about eighty years too coming for volunteer work and they just do what they are told without questioning. We have a team leader everyday (who is far younger than these aged people) and they give us our work schedule and we have to do what we were asked to do without any questioning. What I have seen here is that you hardly know who is the boss and the subordinate unlike in Nigeria. It was just this week that I got to know that the owner of the NGO has ben working with us like any other person. The other time I was working with her and I didn’t know she was the boss o the founder of the organization. Seeing some of this aged people coming to volunteer their skills and doing service for humanity struck me and I asked myself, “how much am I giving my service for God?” There are many people hungry, sick, destitute, hopeless, homeless, dying and they need our help. The only way is to give what we have is time support them either morally, mentally or materially. We need to give out time, talent, skill and what we have to for the service of God and humanity. The late Mother Theresa once said, “You don’t lose your light by lighting another man’s candle.”   

8.       To make Money: If what you are doing with your time is not profitable, then you are just wasting your time. This is because time is money. Today many young guys are making money on the social media legally. Many are smiling to the bank because they are maximizing their time on the internet. This reminds me about Jesus’ parable about labouerers in the vineyard. Jesus agrees to give every labourer a wage according to the work done. About the eleventh hour (that is around 5pm because the Jews starts counting their time by six), he saw a labourer idling and the excuse was, “no one hires me.” And Jesus asked him to do whatever he can before the work closes. It is the same excuse that people ive today that there is no work to do. But, you can always find something to do. The reason why people are jobless today is because they are bereft of ideas. If nobody engages you, you can engage yourself. I used to know a young handsome man who has no gainful employment and decides to engage himself by directing traffic and it was long before LASTMA was created. He was doing this thing dutifully and became a known face around Agidinbi area of Ikeja. When LASTMA was eventually created, he was given uniform and integrated fully into the traffic force. In Lagos, there is nothing you cannot do to survive. If you know how to package dungs or faeces and you can convince people that it is good, people will buy from you. My friend who was a banker once told me this. I am sure you have heard the story of Ola of Lagos despite the fact that things are difficult for him, but now, “it is pleeeeeeenty!” If you can throw away shame, you can make money. There are people who are just doing referrals and affiliate marketing and they are making cool money. If you are a girl or lady and you are saying “I too fine.” Go to Computer Village in Ikeja, you will see many beautiful ladies there scouting for customers. Some of them don’t have salaries, but just tea-fare for breakfast and lunch and since they have to survive, they are doing what they are doing. In conclusion, time would be happy with you If you are using it well especially to make money and to be a better person for yourself and for humanity too. If you have not been using your time well, it is not too late to retrace your step and start doing the right thing before time is gone. The best time to do something for yourself is when you are youthful and agile and not when you are old and senile. By that time, time is gone and even if you start labouring at time, you won’t enjoy the fruit of your labour because it is too late.

Tuesday 30 April 2024

10 Reasons you might be refused Study Permit to Canada


Have you been refused study permit to go to Canada and you don’t know why? Or, you are about to apply for your study permit to study on one of the institutions on Canada?

If you have been refused study permit to study in Canada, these ten reasons might be one of the reasons you were not given visa to come and study in Canada. But, if you are just about to apply, it is wonderful reading this post because you might find some valuable information that would help you get your visa to study on Canada just by applying for the first time.

1.     Applying to institutions without a DLI code: All approved institutions have a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) code. It starts with an ‘O’. It is usually written in front of your offer or admission letter if you have one. If this code is not written on your letter, it is an indication that it is not an approved institution in Canada. If you present this letter. Hence, your study permit to Canada will be refused. Apart from this, because many Nigerians like cheaper schools, they usually choose colleges. Some of these schools are substandard and they can’t even give study permit to Canada. So, be careful of the schools you choose on the guise of going to Canada.

2.     Wide Study Gaps: Another reason why you might not issue visa to study in Canada is study gaps. If you have left schools for quite some time and you apply to study in Canada, the immigration might pick hole and asking why you have study gaps. Four to six years study gap is considered to wide for undergraduate program. That is, if you have left school at eighteen and you are now considering to study abroad at 22 or 23, then it is cindered too wide. For postgraduate diploma too, five or six years is also too wide. You need prove to the immigration that you have been doing something within those periods. It could be a vocational program, learning a skill or taking an employment. This gap should be covered with an activity.

3.     Unconvincing Statement of Purpose: The Canadian Immigration would need to know why you are migrating to Canada to study. They need to see your statement of purpose or Motivation Essay. Your essay among others should outline your intention of studying in Canada, proposed course of study, proposed institution, why you chose that school and your career goals and objectives. Your essay should be convincing and should be original. It should not be copy and paste. If it is not convincing enough, the immigration might assume your study intention is not clear and might be one of those who want to elope. So, it is important that you write strong and convincing statement to show that you really know what you want to do and do in Canada and how. It is also important to state that you will be leaving the country after the duration of your study. Not leaving the country when you finish your study is your decision afterwards. Just get your visa first and don’t give the impression that you aren’t coming back or you want to go and pick job in Canada while your intention is to go and study. Some Nigerians just want to do short courses or diploma like: catering, hospitality management, care giving, data analytics just to get their PR after studying for a year or more than six months. The immigration officers know all these especially what many Nigerians do in the guise of applying for study permit just to migrate and live permanently in Canada – they aren’t fools. Because they treat many applications everyday, they know those who have genuine intentions with their statement of purpose and those who don’t. So, tighten all the noose and give no room for suspicion.

4.     Security Questions: When you signed up on the GCK through the Canada Immigration Portal, you will be asked some questions. These are called eligibility and security questions. How you answer these questions is very important because it will determine your eligibility to enter Canada. If you are not sure of any, pleas ask. In the last part, there are called ‘Security Questions’. If you answer yes to any of the questions here, it means that you are a threat to the Canada Immigration.

5.     Poor Visa History: Visa history is very important. If you have travelled out if you travelled out of your home country, you stand high chance of getting visa. So, why do Canada consider Visa history? Why is it important to them when you are applying for study permit? Well, they want to make sure that you have a good track record of following immigration laws and regulations in other countries you have visited. This helps them determine if you are likely to abide by the same rules in their destination as well. If you have overstayed your visa in the country(ies) you have visited before, it is an indication that you will do the same in Canada. But, if you have not visited any country before, they might not be able to know how you respect immigration laws. It is not problem; you might consider you for a visa or they might not. It all depends on the visa officer and your documentation.

6.     Insufficient POF: This is number one reasons why visas are refused especially study permit. That is why proof of funds is very important if you are planning to go and study in Canada. It shows that you have or your sponsor(s) have enough money in the account you are presenting to Canada immigration to study in Canada. They need you to have enough money in your account. Now, only four (4) months statement is required. Either by you, the applicant or your sponsor who hears the same name with you. In this case, your parent. It could be your father or mother. I doubt if they will allow any other person to sponsor you except it is a company providing that sponsorship. While considering your POF, you need to put into consideration your total tuition fee, your accommodation, living expenses, books, insurance and some other expenses. You should also add your flight ticket or your cost of travelling for at least one year. This should show in your statement of account as closing balance. Please don’t fall into the bait of forging your statement of account to apply for study permit. Many quacks will help you to do this and give you fictitious account statement just to get visa. It is possible to get your visa with fake statement or account or you get caught. If you are lucky to get off with this, later your documents might be called up while you are studying in Canada and you will be handed over to the immigration for prosecution or reparations. Banks and financial institutions are also help people to run account. But, be careful of what presented or you. If you are planning to study on Canada, start preparing your account ahead of time before you apply. Don’t rush to do this.

7.     Not paying enough tuition deposit: When you get your offer of admission to study in Canada, you will be asked to pay a tuition deposit. Some schools will ask you to pay $2,500 CAD, while it could be more than $5,000 CAD in some institutions. It is advisable to always pay higher than this fee because it would boost your chances of getting your study permit. If you are looking for schools without tuition deposit, you are only giving yourself the chances of getting visa.

8.     Irrelevance of your credentials to proposed course of study: When you are choosing your course of study to come to Canada, it should be relevant to what you possess. If you studied Psychology, you cannot apply for Computer Science or Marine Biology or Nursing Care. That is why the school always list out the requirements in the brochure for a particular course. You will always see this in the departmental requirements. Read this carefully before applying.

9.     Choosing overpopulated provinces: If you ask the average Nigeria who wants to go to study in Canada, they want to go to major provinces like: Toronto, Ontario, Manitoba and other big cities because they are popular and things are happening there. But, these provinces are becoming overpopulated and the Canada Immigration would like other provinces to be populated too like the big cities. That is why choosing provinces like: Saskatchewan, Quebec, Montreal, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador would give you some sort of visa advantage. Many Nigerians don’t want to go to the French speaking region of Canada because they can’t speak French.

10.  Poor documentation: Some people assume that getting Canada Study permit is easy, faster and stress-free. As such, they hurry things up. Infact, some applicants believed that Canada is generous in issuance of study permit. So, they don’t need any consultation whatsoever as they can apply on their own. All these are just assumptions and not true. If you have been following the trend of events since last year, you will know that the rate of denial last year was very high. You need to do the right thing, check your documents and make sure you have attached the right documents and your application is complete before submission.

I hope all these helps. If you need further consultation, please send us an email: or chat us on WhatsApp: 09091177137.

Tuesday 23 April 2024

How to Celebrate the World English Language Day

 Today, 23rd April 2024 is celebrated as the World English Language Day. It coincides with Williams Shakespeare’s birthday (the Bard and Avon of literature) and the World Book and Copyright Day.

I am sure many people are not aware of this important day. This day is very significant in the UN’s calendar because English Language is one of the two working languages (the other is French) of the UN secretariat and one of the organization’s six official languages. 

Why is this day important?

English Language is spoken in over eighty-eight (88) countries of the world. In Africa, twenty-four (24) countries use the English Language as their official Language. 

English is often referred to as a “World Language” or the lingua franca (bridge language or common language used by speakers of different languages) of the modern era because it is widely spoken. Since Nigeria is an English-speaking country, celebrating this auspicious even is very important. 

The UN first celebrated English Language Day On April 23, 2010. Since then, this event has been commemorated annually without a break. 

What is the aim of the World English Day?

As you know, there is nothing without purpose. The world English Language Day become an important event in the UN’s international calendar to:

To entertain (serve some recipes, a la carte about English –see some drama scenes, movies, entertainment in English. 

Inform people about history (how much do you know about the English culture, how our English came to us, people referred to as the native English speakers, etc.? This is one important feature of this day. 

Know about the culture and achievements associated with the English Language. 

How to create and promote the English Day

Celebrating this day is very important. But the question is: How do we celebrate this day?

- Watch English movies 

- Play word game like Scrabble, SmartAleck, Grammarfunbia, etc. 

- Listen to news on BBC, CNN, FOXTV, VON, Channel, Arise, TVC. 

- Do Wordquest

- Organize English Quiz and ask student to name the English-speaking countries 

- Organize debate, impromptu speech and award students 

- Include this day in your school calendar and no vernacular, Pidgin English or any other languages should be spoken on this day. Fine offenders or violators by asking them to pay a fine (the class captain, prefect, year tutor could be in charge of this and decide what to do with this money afterwards).

- Organize an essay writing competition and award, student(s) with the best written essay(s). You could have first prize, second prize, and third prize. 

- Appoint English Ambassador or Master English, Miss English, (or whatever name you choose to call them). These people should be proficient English speakers and those toping the grade in English Language/ English Studies. 

-  Get your students to research fun facts about English and present them to the class.

- Start a vocabulary book of useful words 

- Write a novel, playlet or memoir.

- Send SMS, WhatsApp chat in correct English and with the right spellings (not in abbreviated form). 

- Do more inquiry about English Language culture, etymology of words, vocabulary. Curiosity doesn’t really kill the call. The cat actually killed Curiosity!

- Speak right, pronounce correctly. In fact, be conscious of your pronunciation.

- Learn new words, write them in your vocabulary book, look up the meaning of these new words in your dictionary and try to use them to construct sentences. 

- Be a custodian of the English Language. Correct any incorrect English (spoken or written) and encourage others (students, teachers, prefects) to do the same. 

- Visit home of the native English people, the United Kingdom, Ireland, stay with families, learn the English culture, visit some historical places, take pictures, selfies and have fun.

- Parents could take their children for shopping, buy them novels, English books and give them a treat to celebrate this day. 

Why the theme on “Multilingualism” and Using Technology? 

The theme for this year’s World English Language Day, “Using Technology for Multilingual Learning: challenges and opportunities” is well – crafted, apt and timely. 

Since the world is a global village, it is sine qua non that we understand the complex diversities of our world. The internet and social media give us the limitless access to connect to many people called, ”Netzines”.  Your online friend might come from China, Trinidad & Tobago, Sierra Leone or Kenya. How do you flow with this person if you don’t have a lingua franca or common language? One Important feature of culture is “language”. That is why the English Language is the tool of commerce, trade and cultural identity. It is the number one official language of the UN. 

As I write this piece, the number of people who are literate in English is also a concern. That is why the UN is promoting the mass literacy programme. 

Technology is another important point in this year’s theme. We cannot overemphasize the importance of technology for classroom instruction and to prepare our learners for the world of work- in fact for the challenges of this digital age. Computer literacy is now becoming an “Old School”. We learnt than over twenty years ago, before the millennium bug. Now, the world is talking about AI (Artificial Intelligence). 

As a teacher, how competent are you with the use of technology? Are you familiar with Google Education? There are also a lot of things for teachers and educator to do with Microsoft. Are you familiar with these tools?

Very soon the old method of writing lesson notes (on notebooks) will soon be phased out. Very soon, you will soon be going to the classroom with your notepad, I-pad, tablet or your smartphones (i-phone) installed with all kinds of educational apps to make learning more interactive and fun-loving. How prepared are you for this imminent challenge? 

In a very short time, the white-board (using marker or chalkboard) would soon be phased out too. Some schools are procuring the multi-media projector to teach their pupils. This is because some diagram, pictorial charts and classroom instructions are better communicated using these instructional materials.

According to Karsh (1995),” The classroom teacher will never be replaced by programme of self-instruction. Rather, he will be freed to guide learning of his students in ways that only a human being can. In using computer for instruction, the teachers’ role is hypothesized as changed basically from that of informer to learning facilitator. His duty of delivering lectures changes to that of guide and problem solver.”

The term “Multilingualism” is defined as the ability of societies, Institutions, groups and individuals to engage on a regular basis with more than one language in their day-to-day lives.”

As we ruminate on the theme of the World English Day today, the question is are you multilingual is your teaching approach? 

These days, English Language teachers have opportunity to do online teaching and get paid in foreign currency. Do you have all it takes to teach online student and make extra-income apart from your salary? While some teachers are complaining of poor salary, others are taking advantage of online teaching and raking money. During the lockdown, many teachers who took advantage of online teaching make a lot of money, while those who aren’t aware of this couldn’t survive during this period. It’s a challenge for us as teachers. You need to embrace the challenge of technology and maximize the opportunity for your advantages.

Lastly, let’s be custodians of the English Language. I wish you a Happy English day!      


Olugbenga Adebiyi John is an English Language trainer, teacher-trainer, educational consultant, learning game developer, author, writer, blogger, journalists and entrepreneur. He has authored some books in English Language and taught in both secondary schools in Lagos because starting his company, Gemsland Nigeria Ltd, which has four auspices-Gemsland Learning &Development Centre, Gemsland Study Abroad& Tour, Mobile Teachers Network & School Connect Magazine. He lives in Lagos. 

Wednesday 28 February 2024

You can Live in Luxembourg


Imagine finding yourself in the richest country in the world. A country where everything works from healthcare, affording housing, education and every other thing that you can ever imagine.

I am not talking about dreaming or day-dreaming. This is reality! You can actually line your dream in Luxembourg and become a permanent citizen here. Everything is indeed possible if you meet the requirements that I will be listing here.

Luxembourg is welcoming migrants to come and work in the country whether you are highly skilled immigrants with many years of experience and good academic background or you have little education [but at least a school certificate] but have a skill to sell then this article would really interest you as Luxembourg could be the dream country to migrate to.  

But just here are some information about Luxembourg:

                       Information About Luxembourg

Luxembourg is a small European country and part of the Schengen states and a member of the European union [EU]. It has consistently been ranked the richest country in the world.

Luxembourg is surrounded by Belgium, France and Germany.

Luxembourg has three official languages: French German and Luxemburgish. It was founded in 963 and became a grand duchy in 1815 and an independent state under the Netherlands.

             Working in Luxembourg

Luxembourg has been welcoming immigrants to work in the country since 2012. There are more jobs in the service, IT and health sector. These are the highly demanding jobs.

To work in Luxembourg, you need to get a Type D or a long-term visa stamped on your passport. You will need to go to the nearest embassy or VFS in order to apply for a visa to come to Luxembourg.

You need to get all the documents required for a work visa to come to Luxembourg if you are going to get a work visa.

 For more information about applying for a work visa in Luxembourg, please contact at us

Tel:+2349091177137 or visits our websites

Visit Egypt

Egypt is one of the most attractive destinations in the world because of its pyramid and the mummies. No one visits Egypt without going to see the pyramid. 

Egypt is one of the hottest and sunniest countries in the world with the exception of a strip along the Mediterranean cost, Egypt has a desert climate.

Egypt links northeast Africa with the middle east dating back to the time of Pharaoh.

Millennia-old monuments sits along the fertile Nile River Valley, including Giza’s colossal pyramids and Great Sphinx as well as Luxor’s hieroglyph-lined Kmak Temple and Valley of the kings/ tombs.  The capital Cairo is home to Ottoman landmarks like Muhammed Ali Mosque and the Egyptians museum, a trove of antiquities.

           Here are 15 facts about Egypt that you might not have heard of

1.      Egypt is the third-largest populated country in Africa                 

2.      Egypt is a transcontinental country. The Sinai Peninsula is a land bridge between the Northeast of Africa and the southwest of Asia.

3.      Egypt is home to the longest river in Africa                           

4.      The statue of Liberty was originally intended for the Suez capital

When French sculptor Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi first had the idea to build a statue of a peasant woman, dressed in robes and holding up a massive torch, he originally wanted it to stand at the entrance of Suez Canal with the name “Egypt bringing light to Asia”. Nothing came of the project, but Bartholdi persevered with his idea, and was eventually commissioned to build the statue in New York Harbors. “Liberty enlightening the world” was unveiled in 1876, seven years after the suez canal was finished.

5.      Caira is the third-largest city in Africa. Love the buzz of a big city? You’ll love Cairo, Egypt’s capital. It’s home to 10 million people, making it the highest populated city in Africa bar two. Kinshasa (DR Congo) and Lagos [Nigeria] both have populations of more than 15 million.

6.      The last ancient wonder of the world is in Cario: The great pyramid of Khufu is the biggest of the pyramid of Giza and is the last ancient wonder of the world left standing.

The remaining 6 wonders of the ancient world have all been destroyed over the last centuries.

They are [or were]: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon [Iraq], The Temple of Artemis [Turkey], The Statue of Zeus (Greece), The Mausoleum of Halicamassus (Turkey), Colossus of Rhodes (Greece) and the Lighthouse of Alexandria [Egypt].

7.      The largest food court in the world is in Cario: Oasis, Cairo’s behemoth of a food court restaurant taking up to 41,000 square meters and seating more than 4,000 diners at a time.

8.      Alexandria is named after Alexander the Great.

9.      The world’s largest embarkment dam is in Egypt.

10.   Egypt is home to seven UNESCO sites.

11.   The Pyramids of Giza were once bright white.

12.   The Pyramids weren’t built by slaves.

13.   Ancient Egyptians believed that makeups had healing powers.

14.   Ancient Egyptians invented the 12-month calendar.

15.   Egypt borders two seas.

   The country boasts of over 1,800 miles of coastlines divided between the red sea to the east and the Mediterranean Sea to the north.

Now that you know the amazing facts about Egypt, here are places to visits in Egypt:

1.      Ras Mohammed National Park

2.      Temple of Kamak

3.      The Museum of Egyptian Antiquities

4.      The Pyramid of Giza

5.      Valleys of the Kings

6.      Abu Simbel Temple Complex

7.      Luxor Temple

8.      Great Pyramid of Cheops [Khufu]

9.      Tiran Island

10.   Great Sphinx

11.   Temple of Philae

12.   SOHO Square

We can help you package your tour of Egypt. Contact us today: Gemsland Study Abroad & Tours

Tel: +2349091177137



Consider Working in Albania

Quick fact


Capital: Tirana                                                                        

Language: Albania

Currency: Lek

GDP: $25,297 billion [nominal,2024[$59,099 billion]

Major source of income: Agriculture 

If you have been considering travelling about to start a new work life, I think Albania should come into your bucket list.

Albania is a country located in Southeastern Europe in the Balkan peninsula with an Adriatic and Ionian coastline. Neighboring countries include Greece, Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo. Albania has a strategic location along the strait of Otranto linking to Mediterranean Sea.

The car of choice in Albania is Mercedes. It is also the birthplace of Mother Teresa. Albania is also known for its medieval-era castles, exotic beaches and Ottoman architectures lined up on the streets.

There are many reasons to consider working in Albania. First, it is a European country (although not a Schengen state now but will join Schengen very soon).

Two, getting visa to go and work in Albania is very easy and stress free. You might not have to go through the stress of visa refusal like other countries.

 Another reason to consider Albania is that life there is cheaper and affordable there compared to other European countries and the people are very nice. Your employment just have to complete work request permit before you start a job. It typically takes no more than 30 days after submitting the documentation to get an approval or denial.       

It might also interest you to know that the literacy level in Albania is 99%. So that means if you are living in this country, you are definitely living in one of the countries with high literacy level. The mainstay in Albania is Agriculture. That means that you will have a lot to eat and if you like Agric (or you studied any course related to Agriculture like Agric Engineering, Agric Economics, etc.), you should be counting your fingers because you might be earning about five figures in a month. In short, you shouldn’t be looking for work for so long because your skills will always be needed in this country.

In terms of work permit, some work permits have restrictions, but the overall validity periods of the permit depend on the type.

There are four main Albanian work permit categories:

Type A: Permit for economic activities for both employers and employees.

Type B: Independent economics activity permits.

Type C: Permit for special occasions.

Type D: Permanent work permit for eligible foreigners.

All foreigners need a visa to enter Albania and a residence permit to live there.

            Type of Work Available In Albania

All types of jobs are available in Albania. The service sector and Agriculture have the highest job demands. But the people working in the financial sector get the highest pay.

At the moment, here are the skilled and unskilled workers demanded in Albania.








*Non-motor mechanic




- Hotelier

 - Cleaners

          Document Required To Apply

To apply for any of the above listed Jobs, applicants should have the following documents:

-Valid International Passport (for at least 2 years]

-Passport Photograph

-Copy of Diploma (School certificate, Degree or Diploma)

-Updated CV

-Clear criminal record (Police character certificate)

-Clean bill of health (Medical report from approved government hospital)

-Processing fee

Processing Duration

To get a work permit to Albania, applicants should note that the processing takes three[3] to four[4] months. You cannot travel to Albania until you get your work visa.

                   Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ’S]

1. I have a school certificate; can I work in Albania? Yes, only school certificate is required. If you have other certificate like degree or diploma, this is an advantage.

2. Is English test or English language proficiency required to work in Albania? No, You do not need to provide or show a proof the IELTS to work in Albania.

3. How can I get a visa to work in Albania from Nigeria? You will get an E-visa. We can help you to apply for an E-visa.

4. How long does the visa last? You will get a 1-year visa after signing your employment contract.

5. How much will I earn while working in Albania? This depends on the type of job you are choosing. But averagely, you should be earning between $500 to $1,000 per month.

6. What currency is spent in Albania? Lek

7. What happens after my job contract or visa expires? Your employer will renew your job contract for you.

8. How many hours will I be required to work in Albania? Approximately 43.7 hours.

9. How much is one Albania lek compared to US Dollar? It is 0.01

10. How good or how hospitable are the people of Albania? Albania people are friendly and hospitable.

Still have more information or ready to work in Albania,

Contact: Gemsland Study Abroad & Tours:

Whatsapp: +2349091177137


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