Tuesday 10 December 2013

Pixs from YOU

Faces of students at YOU- (Youths Opportunities Unlimited) seminar which also include study abroad presentation

Saturday 7 December 2013

Faces at YOU 2013

YOU 2013

Study Abroad Presentation


WASAF 2013

What is WASAF?
WASAF is Work and Study Abroad Fair. It is a study abroad presentation into about 35 study destinations.

Every year thousands of Nigerians go abroad to study and work ahead. But sadly, many Nigerians still ignorant about the opportunities inherent in studying abroad apart from earning foreign certificate.. Those who are willing to study abroad do not know where to go for such advice and make their study abroad dream/ambition a reality.

To those who have finished schooling, they are planning to seek a greener pasture abroad because of the harsh economic problem and unemployment they are exposed to in their home country like Nigeria so going abroad to work looks price or an attractive offer.
Many of our clients have often asked: Can I work and study Abroad? This is one reason that led to organizing WASAF apart from providing scholarship opportunities to study abroad.
What would WASAF Entail?

WASAF hopes to answer all the questions on the lips of prospective students on:
·         Where to study?
·         What to Study?
·         Tuition Cost?
·         Documents needed
·         Scholarship opportunities
·         Can I work and study abroad?
Besides the presentation will also include:
·         Study Abroad presentation
·         On the spot assessment
·         Question and Answer
Marketing /Promotion Strategy
·         Social Media (Facebook, Blog, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype, etc)
·         Website
·         SMS
·         Flyers, handbills, sticker, Branded T-shirt
·         Newspaper advert
·         Radio/TV
·         Newspaper advert
Sustaining WASAF
WASAF would be a periodic event of Gemsland Study Abroad & Tours (GSAT). We plan to hold another one by February 201v4.
Date: Thursday 19th December, 2013
Venue: TBD
Time: 10am

Sunday 1 December 2013

Study Abroad; 4 Free Banner


“The illiterates of the future are not only those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”
- Ted Tofler
“Quality education is the key to the 21 century. Every eight year old American child must be able to read; every twelve year old should be able to log on the internet; every eighteen year old American should be able o go to college; and every adult American must be able to continue to learning for a lifetime.
- Bill Clinton.
 Any nation, any people or person that is starved of good books its citizenry, especially the right type of books will suffer intellectual stagnation, and atrophy.
- Obafemi Awolowo
“The ability to read’ and write or to be literate.”
“Any instruction that is received within the four walls of the classroom under the tutelage of an instructor or a teacher.”
“The process of receiving instruction having undergone some years of learning and being certified by an instructor with a proof of a certificate.”
Many people believed that all these definitions could be passed for education. But, no, not all.
Education could be defined as the ability to think, reason constructively and add value to oneself (in terms of intellectual prowess and material/financial worth)., be compatible/relevant in any environment that one finds oneself
Education is the process whereby the spirit, mind and the faculty is trained to reason intelligently.
We can go on and on to define education, but what we are saying is that someone who professes to have received education should be able to reason intelligently and fend for himself. It is a pity that we have many educated illiterates in our society today. The problem is that they have passed through school, but school has not passed through them.
Also, it is not only in the classroom that one can receive education. With the advancement of technology and the globalization, the world has become a global village. It is doubtful if there would be any traditional school in about fifteen or twenty years from now. Many people are now learning on-line in the comfort of their home via computer or through the mobile phone.
If we are to mention some great Nigerian like Pa Obafemi  Awolowo, the brightest and most intelligent sage that Nigeria never had, he never went to school, but became a reputable lawyer. We also have Afe Babalola, a lawyer and an educationist who studied through correspondence and never went to secondary school.
You will agree with me that we cannot compare the quality education we have now with the one that we used to have some thirty or fifty years ago. Today, we have many professors, but few possessors! Nigeria’s literacy level is put at 60%, but the fact is that.
But we the fact is that majority of the population are illiterate in the real sense of the word.
So what problem does quality Education portends to us as we see in our society today?
·         Death if ideas
·         Illiteracy
·         Mass unemployment
·         Comatose economy
·         Underdevelopment
·         Bad leadership
·         Corruption
·         Wantonness (wastage)
·         Social vices
·         Idleness

If this nation is to develop; if Nigeria is recover her lost glory; if Nigeria is to have her pride among the comity of nations; if the epileptic power supply and dwindling economy is to be a thing of the past, and employment generated for the youths, there should no substitute for quality education. Quality education should be given its pride and position.
What would quality education for us?
·         It would bring about idea creation which will lead to employment generation and thus bring economic revival.
·         Unemployment would be a thing of past as youths would think out of the box and create wealth for themselves.
·         There would be national development and unity as all sector of the economy would be developed – ICT, agriculture, defence, etc.

Concluding a presentation like this without talking about opportunities available for sustainable education would be like whetting a hungry man’s appetite after perceiving the aroma of the food without giving him food.
So what opportunities are available for sustainable youths development through quality education?
Study Abroad scholarship – there are million of scholarships available to study abroad, yet many youths are ignorant of these opportunities.
Internship Abroad – Youths can horn their skills while studying through inter abroad.
Student Exchange programme – Many universities college abroad have student exchange programme for young people. By taking part in this programme they would be exposed to multi-cultural environment and opportunities.
Volunteerism – One sure way of developing oneself or bringing out the best in one is by engaging in volunteer’s organizations are myriads of voluntary service organization or the American Youth Council, Red Cross etc. 
Youth Development Programme / Capacity Building Programme A wasted youth is one that doesn’t have any skill to sell or exhibited. Ours would be a wasted generated f we do not tap into the resources available at out disposal in this 21st century. But quite unfortunately, many youths are abusing the opportunities in this age by engaging in fraudulent / inimical activities instead of building / developing their capacity for the future.
Youths should take advantage of ICT, leadership, entrepreneurship and other skill acquisition programmes for their own good.
Community Development: Youths can also take part in community development programme in their vicinity and see what they can contribute to make their community better.
Joining NGOs: There are many NGOs within and outside Nigeria and search enjoying has mad it possible to join these NGOs. By joining these NGOs, they would not only develop themselves, but they are becoming socially – responsible.
Short course Abroad or within Nigerian – There are also many short courses that one can attend abroad.
Summer progrrame abroad – during summer youths can travel to the UK, Australia, Canada, USA, etc.
Fellowship: There are also a fellowship program which takes care of all expenses like: air – ticket, feeding, accommodation and site- seeing. Youths who participate in this programme would also be recognized as “Fellows” Apart from giving the youths opportunities and exposure, one would also be able meet important dignitaries.

Lihn from FPT Director of FPT Viet Nam with John Adebiyi, Director, GSAT

June 26th, 2013 Jennifer Frankel
A recent New York Times article announced, “Many public institutions that used to get most of their financing from state governments now rely on tuition for more than half their budgets.” It comes as no surprise then that with international students paying out of state tuition – which is higher than the in-state tuition – along with international student fees, that colleges are turning to international students to not only diversify their student body but to also help bridge the funding gap. With that being said, however, there are still schools providing financial aid to international students that show their hard work, dedication, and capability to rise above the challenge.
The U.S. News Report comes out with the list of top 10 schools providing financial aid to international students. This can be quite helpful as studying abroad can be expensive between, travel and tuition, student fees and programming – and after all said and done, the majority of international students are not eligible for federal financial aid programs.
Here are the top 10 schools providing financial aid to international students according to this 2011-2012 report:
Average aid awarded to international undergraduates
Number of international undergraduates who received aid
Yale University
Skidmore College
Harvard University
Amherst College
Trinity College
Williams College
Dartmouth College
University of Chicago
Bates College
Duke University
According to this list, you’ll notice a lot of big name universities and colleges – and most are located in the Northeast in the United States. While applications can be competitive, and financial aid even more so, having an outstanding college application with strong test scores and high school stats can provide you with the opportunity to stand out among the rest.

Making the Most of Time

  Time is one of the greatest resources given to man. Our existence here on earth is regulated by time. No wonder the psalmist said, “So t...