Sunday 9 June 2019

Study in Poland

Making Poland your study abroad destination is one of the greatest decisions you would ever make. Reason? Poland is one of the best place to study apart from the low-tuition fees and living expenses. It also has a long education history which dates back to 1364 when King Casmir, the Great established the Cracrow Academy. The Academy today is known as the Jajgiellvain University.

But, before I continue to tell you when you need to consider Poland as one of your study abroad destination, you really need to know a little about Poland.

What I have discovered is that many prospective students do not know much about the country they want to study in. They are mostly interested in how popular the country is. If it is not popular, and the name doesn't ring bell like: Canada, USA, Germany, Australia, forget it. They will tell you, "I'm not going to study there. What did you call the name of the place? Poland or What?"

Knowing a country is as important as the course you want to study. Why did I say this. I have seen some students who have made wrong cohice in the country they study because the name is familiar and they know nothing about what they country has to offer. I have seen one case that the student had to stop mid-way and come back home to study in a Nigerian university. So, the question is: Where is Poland and what about it?

Poland is one of the Schengen states in the European Union. It borders Germany, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Slovakia. The name Poland is actually officially the Republic of Poland, and it is a country located in Central Europe. It is divided into 16 administrative subdivisions, covering an area of 312,696 square kilometres, and has a largely temperate seasonal climate.

The official language is Polish and the Capital is Warsaw. The country's population is about 36 million and Polish zloty is the official currency apart from the Euro which is common among among the European Union.

So, back to our question, why should I consider Poland as my study abroad destination or why study in Poland anyway. Wait a minute! Here are 10 good reasons why you should study in Poland if you have never given this a thought.

1. Poland has one of most affordable tuition fees and lowest living expenses compared to other European countries.

2. There are more than 70,000 foreign students studying in Poland

3. There are about 400 universities in Poland

4. Over 800 programmes are taught in English Language

5. Bologna Process: Both Polish students and foreign students studying in Poland stay fully mobile and can continue their education elsewhere in the European Union.

6. Poland boasts of six Nobel Prize winners: Marie Sklodowska (1903 in Physics, 1911 -in Chemistry), Heny Sienkiewicz (1905 - in Literature), Wladyslaw Reymint (1924 - in Literature), Czelav Milosz (1980 -in Literature), Lech Walesa (1983 - Nobel Peace Prize), Wiskwa Syynborska (1936 - in Literature).

7. Poland is a Scenhen an EU country.

8. You can work while studying in Poland

9. You can move within the Schengen states while studying in Poland

10. Getting your work permit after completing your study in programme is easy. In fact you can get your permit aftter one or two years.

11. Poland is an highly industrialized country.

12. Poland is the sixth largest economy in the European Union

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about Studying in Poland

  • How is studying in Poland like? Studying in Poland is cool. The taste of pudding is in the eating. You need to experience it yourself.
  • How much does it costs to study in Poland? About 3,000 euros at least. This should cover tuition and accommodation. This however depends on the course you want to study and the institution you are choosing.
  • Is IELTS required to study in Poland? Yes and No. In some universities and institution, they might require to show this test. Some other universities might not need this from you. If you can prove that you are proficient in English Language some universities might not need this from you.
  • What are the requirements to study in Poland? Basically, you international passport, O'Level result and legalization of your documents.
  • Can I work while I am studying in Poland? Yes. 

1 comment:

  1. If you are planning to study in Europe through study exchange visa program then try considering studying in Poland. International students can benefit in studying in Poland because of the low tuition fees it offers to the students and the quality of education in the country is beyond standard.


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