Sunday 9 June 2019

Study in Poland

Making Poland your study abroad destination is one of the greatest decisions you would ever make. Reason? Poland is one of the best place to study apart from the low-tuition fees and living expenses. It also has a long education history which dates back to 1364 when King Casmir, the Great established the Cracrow Academy. The Academy today is known as the Jajgiellvain University.

But, before I continue to tell you when you need to consider Poland as one of your study abroad destination, you really need to know a little about Poland.

What I have discovered is that many prospective students do not know much about the country they want to study in. They are mostly interested in how popular the country is. If it is not popular, and the name doesn't ring bell like: Canada, USA, Germany, Australia, forget it. They will tell you, "I'm not going to study there. What did you call the name of the place? Poland or What?"

Knowing a country is as important as the course you want to study. Why did I say this. I have seen some students who have made wrong cohice in the country they study because the name is familiar and they know nothing about what they country has to offer. I have seen one case that the student had to stop mid-way and come back home to study in a Nigerian university. So, the question is: Where is Poland and what about it?

Poland is one of the Schengen states in the European Union. It borders Germany, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Slovakia. The name Poland is actually officially the Republic of Poland, and it is a country located in Central Europe. It is divided into 16 administrative subdivisions, covering an area of 312,696 square kilometres, and has a largely temperate seasonal climate.

The official language is Polish and the Capital is Warsaw. The country's population is about 36 million and Polish zloty is the official currency apart from the Euro which is common among among the European Union.

So, back to our question, why should I consider Poland as my study abroad destination or why study in Poland anyway. Wait a minute! Here are 10 good reasons why you should study in Poland if you have never given this a thought.

1. Poland has one of most affordable tuition fees and lowest living expenses compared to other European countries.

2. There are more than 70,000 foreign students studying in Poland

3. There are about 400 universities in Poland

4. Over 800 programmes are taught in English Language

5. Bologna Process: Both Polish students and foreign students studying in Poland stay fully mobile and can continue their education elsewhere in the European Union.

6. Poland boasts of six Nobel Prize winners: Marie Sklodowska (1903 in Physics, 1911 -in Chemistry), Heny Sienkiewicz (1905 - in Literature), Wladyslaw Reymint (1924 - in Literature), Czelav Milosz (1980 -in Literature), Lech Walesa (1983 - Nobel Peace Prize), Wiskwa Syynborska (1936 - in Literature).

7. Poland is a Scenhen an EU country.

8. You can work while studying in Poland

9. You can move within the Schengen states while studying in Poland

10. Getting your work permit after completing your study in programme is easy. In fact you can get your permit aftter one or two years.

11. Poland is an highly industrialized country.

12. Poland is the sixth largest economy in the European Union

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions about Studying in Poland

  • How is studying in Poland like? Studying in Poland is cool. The taste of pudding is in the eating. You need to experience it yourself.
  • How much does it costs to study in Poland? About 3,000 euros at least. This should cover tuition and accommodation. This however depends on the course you want to study and the institution you are choosing.
  • Is IELTS required to study in Poland? Yes and No. In some universities and institution, they might require to show this test. Some other universities might not need this from you. If you can prove that you are proficient in English Language some universities might not need this from you.
  • What are the requirements to study in Poland? Basically, you international passport, O'Level result and legalization of your documents.
  • Can I work while I am studying in Poland? Yes. 

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Study in Turkey

If you have been thinking of one of the cheapest and conducive place to study, then maybe you need to consider Turkey.

Turkey is Turkey is a nation straddling eastern Europe and western Asia with cultural connections to ancient Greek, Persian, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires. Cosmopolitan Istanbul, on the Bosphorus Strait, is home to the iconic Hagia Sophia, with its soaring dome and Christian mosaics, the massive 17th-century Blue Mosque and the circa-1460 Topkapı Palace, former home of sultans. Ankara is Turkey’s modern capital.

During my visit to Turkey, I learnt that Yogurt was actually originated from there. Ankara and Istanbul are two of Turkey's popular cities. But, Istanbul is one of the most popular and busiest. It is just like Lagos. I was surprised to see 'go-slow' on the road. The country is clean and reputed for architectural master-piece and high rise building just like Dubai.

Turkey is connect to eight continent. If you are in Turkey, you can connect to the Asian side or the Europe side. That is indeed the beauty of Turkey.

At present, there are about one hundred and eighty (180) universities in Turkey out of which 104 of them are State (government-owned) universities, while the rest are private universities. While studying in Turkey, you can be assured of quality education because the facilities are standardized with state-of-the-art facilities. Another thing is the opportunity for exchange programme. Mostly called Erastus Mundus programme.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

What are the advantages of studying in Turkey?
The advantage of studying in Turkey are many. One, the tuition are cheap compared to USA, Canada, or other European country. This does not however mean that since school fee is cheap, quality education is not offered in Turkey. Apart from cheap tuition, the hostel is also cheap. It might interest you to know that most of the hostels offer breakfast and dinner along with the hostel fee.

Another advantage of studying in Turkey is that you will have the onerous opportunity to study in a cosmopolitan country. Why? You meet many other students from different cultural background - Indian, Chinese, African, European, American, This is because Turkey is a tourism sight.

Apart from this, you are at home while studying in Turkey. The environment is safe and you are in the arms of hospitable people. Turkey is known for hospitality and that is what you can never take from the people there. From their infectious smile to their beautiful faces, you are sure you are in the hands of people who love you.
Another advantage is the opportunity to get scholarship. Turkey is too charitable with scholarship. This is another great factor.

Unlike other study destinations, you can opt for either government owned or private owned universities and the quality of education is the same. The sate owned universities ate cheap and very, very affordable.

Do I need any foreign exams while applying when I want to study in Turkey? No. Most of the universities do not need SAT or TOEFL. Since Nigerian is an English speaking country, most universities can exempt you from providing the English test like IELTS or TOEFL.

What documents are required to study in Turkey? It depends on the programme you want to study whether undergraduate or postgraduate. For undergraduate degree, you need a copy of your international passport, WASSCE result, Birth certificate and a legalization of all your documents.

What is the range of the tuition fees? The tutition fee ranges from $3,000 -$48,000. This also depends on the programme you want to study. Programmes like Medicine, Pharmacy and Nurding are higher than normal academic programmes. It also depends on which type of institution you want to study whether public or private universities. Government owned universities are cheaper than private universities.

Can I work while I am studying in Turkey? Yes. All international students can study and work at least 20 hours per week during normal academic session, and can work more than 20 hours during long vacation.

I was told that Turkey is a Muslim country. I am a christian. Can I be allowed to practice my religion while studying in Turkey? In Turkey, there is no religion discrimination. You are allowed to practice any faith you belief in without any discrimination, segregation or molestation. Although, it is a Muslim country, it is not pronounced in the way the country and academic environment.

Is Turkey safe to study in and hope there is no terrorist activities? Yes. Turkey is safe to study and there is no any terrorist activities.

How is the Economy of Turkey? Turkish economy is buoyant and stable.

How is easy is it to get Turkish student visa? Turkish student visa is easier to get than American or Canadian study permit or other European countries if you have all the requirement to get your study permit.

When can I study in Turkey? There are many academi session calendar if you want to study in Turkey. January, March, June/July, September. This also depends on the university you want to study in.

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