Friday 1 March 2013

10 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad

Some people don't really see studying abroad as a big deal. It doesn't freak them or interests them probably because they are just comfortable with their comfort zone -- their country of nationality. They ask you when you approach them about studying abroad, "Just give me one important reason why you think I should study abroad." Well, if you are in this category, this post is actually for you. i believe that you will learn one or two things about studying abroad.
Let's ask the question again. "Why should I study abroad?" Below are just some of the nuemrous reasons why you should study abroad.

1. You will have the opportunity to study outside your home country: Like I said in the foregoing, some people lack exposure. They are just comfortable with their home zone. They tell you, "What the heck is going outside my home country to study?" The reason why they say this is because they do not want to come out of their cocoon. It's just like a tortoise or snail that is so afraid of the new environment it finds itself and would not stick out it neck for fear of predators. If you study outside you home country you will have exposure and see beauty scenery and have a change of environment even if it means it would be first time you will be going out of your country.

2. You will learn new culture. Hey! the world is becoming a global village. If you have not experienced any culture outside your home country, you will soon be an endangered species when you meet people of other race and culture and you have to interact with them. Two years ago, I visited Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bombay and some other provinces in India. I was able to see an entirely different culture. How they greet, how they marry and I learned something about the caste thing. Lest I forget, I visited the Temple and some historical places. I can go on and on to tell you that India is a beautiful place and the people are wonderful.

3. You have the opportunity to learn new language: Have you been thinking of learning a new language? Why no go abroad. You will meet many students from other cultures as your course mate and you will have the opportunity to learn their language. For example, Chinese students studying in the UK. If anyone of them happens to be your room-mate, you are likely to learn Chinese.

4. You make friends: Many of the friends I keep today, I met them while in the school. That is why it is often said that school life is the most interesting. in fact as I am writing this post now, I just wish to go back to school. Why? I wanna meet new friends. I wanna increase my circles of friends and friendship is all about networking.

5. You have the opportunity to study in a world class school with the state-of-the-art facilities: I don't know if you have seen any of the brochure of some of these foreign schools. If you have, you will probably be attracted to the aesthetics of the school building and the serenity of the environment. You are likely to be whaoed by the beauty of the environment. Just take a look at some of the universities and colleges in Europe, Canada, America and tell me what you see! Now, imagine if you have the opportunity to study in one of such college/university. How will you feel? I guess you willl be proud. I am proud of my alma mata. I don't know about you. Whenever I meet new friends, after introducing myself, I tell them that I graduated from univerisity XYZ. And they'll like say, amazing. So, you finished from that university. I can see it all around you. Graduants of XYZ univeristy are distinct and non-pariel. I carry this air around me. Now imagine graduating from MIT or Havard Univeristy or Stanford! I guess you can't beat me.

6. You become a world-class student: People who finished from prestigeous school are often world class students and professional. I do not want to start mentioning names here, but I have met many people who studied abroad and now run their empires. The are often go-getters and visioneers. The way the envision things is different because they have been bred from a different environment. They hardly spend long time working for people because their vsion is larger than the oraganization they are working. If they don't run their own business, they end uup consulting for people and organization. You can do the research on your own and mention some of the big entrepreneurs in town and tell me where they finished from.

7. You can work abroad and even get permanent residency: Canada and Australia are interesting places to be. They need immigrants. Sweden is another good place to study. Norway is another good place to study. Cyprus is emerging; Brazil is also coming up. If you study in any of these countries, getting your permanent residency after graduation will be very easy.

8. You get the best job: Studying abroad gives you the opportunity to get the best job. You become a chooser and not a begger. If you see anybody who has graduated for a long time and still searching fot  job, ask where the person graduated from. If you finished from any good univeristy or colleges immediately you post your CV to any of the corporate organization, they just want to meet you if you have the savvy and you can deliver.

9. You become irresistible: One thing I have learnt about graduates who did their studies abroad is that they are powerful and irresistible. What do I mean? If you listen to anyone from any of these universities during TV programmes or talkshows or debate, you will understand what I mean. They are loaded. Why will companies and governemt agencies be looking for anybody from Havard? It not anything more than where the person finished from.

10. You get an international certificate upon graduation: Lastly, you get an international certificate upon graduation and you will be proud of it.

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